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My Practice

Throughout my practice, I have explored many different mediums and processes including, printmaking, painting, drawing, sculpture and mixed media, to show how nature and trees are explored through art. whilst experimenting I have found that my practice has now been developed as I have found a process and medium that communicates the themes throughout my work. Woodcutting is a printmaking process that I feel has developed my work in a big way because I have found the connection between art and trees/ nature by using the natural material to make artwork. 

Trees and nature have been my biggest source of inspiration throughout my entire art practice since before I can remember. The shape and texture of trees draws me in as each one is different and unique as nature has never made a tree look exactly the same. My inspiration came from going on family walks in the woods and parks, where I found the atmosphere to be relaxing no matter the weather. As an artist, I found going to my local forest to be a great day out where i would draw from what I could see and later memorize the shapes and textures of each tree i would see. 

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